
Not been into Stroud for ages and ages because of the pandemic. Today I walked in to the market, posted some stuff and ate a lovely bit of food at a very decent pub. Town was packed full of tourists and it looks like most of the locals have stayed away.

Today I walked in, out and around town, about 7 miles plus.

Bought craft paints for a job at home. More on that later I hope!

Delighted I felt confident enough to chat to two very interesting, friendly and new (to me) people in locals pubs.

This man kindly explained the origin of his butterfly tattoos after I told him how much I liked them. Each one is different and based on real butterflies, beautifully recreated. I was in awe of the design and bright colours. I was grateful he was cool about me taking photos.

Annoying I didn’t mention Blip so I hope maybe if someone he knows sees this they will pass on the link! He may not be interested but I thought the painted wall really sets all the colours of beautifully.

In other news Stroud now has a decent butchers, a Thai takeaway and some sort of small department store.

I’m not sure I’ll rush back to town whilst the holidays are on, it felt a bit too busy. So many shops have closed down but, having said that, a few brand new places have opened!

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