
Work this morning was fairly busy so the morning went fairly quick. I have got my new phone all set up so decided to try out the camera on it. When I arrived home Minstrel was on the fluffy rug which he doesn't like to go on very often. He went on it today to enjoy the sun coming through the window . I grabbed my mobile to try an indoor shot and captured him playing with a toy. Very happy with the results pleased to say it is a lot better camera .
After a snack for lunch I went and picked Julie up from her dads so we was back in time to watch some super League rugby a top of the table clash between st Helens & Catalan Dragons. The match didn't quite live up to a table topping clash as Catalan was missing eight  1st team players so sadly a bit of a one sided match. 
A relaxing evening planned with a film night and a few beers 

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