As Requested

By popular request, I model my furry Nanouk of the North hat, and am prepared to be the butt of ridicule and sniggering amongst you younger blippers, who may be venturing forth into a chill factor of minus degrees wearing nothing more than the lightest of clothing and no hat: possibly no overcoat at all if you are like some of the school children near here.

His Lordship has already sniggered at the image, but is not prepared to tell me what exactly he finds so funny. Did I snigger at his bow tie, the like of which had never been seen outwith the pantomime? No, for matrimonial harmony, I endorsed his personal idiosyncratic look.

I tell you that hat saved me from severe frostbite as I crossed the Meadows last night on my way to the book group. I don't think I've ever experienced such a knife cutting blast of Arctic air searing the bits of my face not encased in fur and causing my eyes to stream with tears for too long.

I am about to brave this morning's flurry of horizontal snow flakes, once again wearing my hat. Let them laugh, I care not a jot!

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