Evening, Warebeth (Day 2285)

A busy old day, started with a misty wander up the hill with Sigyn. A bit later, and as the mist began to lift,  my beautiful wife's and I headed in to town and arrived at Tesco just as it opened for the day.
Back home with the shopping unloaded we were off out again by 830 to check up on the horses and switch George and Red on to another area of grazing.
There was time at home for HV to pack up some stuff before I took her to the airport to start off a long journey.
I returned home to get Sigyn out a wander at Lyde as it got increasingly warm.
Next up, a bit of fun - a trip to town on the ZRX1100 for a bit of a mooch around at the bike show (extra). Nice to see the T-rex drawing a lot of admiring looks. It was a bit too warm to be standing around, and after blethering to a few folk, I headed home the long way. A cracking ride on the bike, confirming that I was absolutely right to add it to my collection.
Home to put the bike away, then out for a quick visit to Mum and Dad before a last check on the horses and a snap of the view at Warebeth.

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