Searching for Cloudberries

Our visitors head home tomorrow so on their last day here we planned a mixed outing.  We start with several flea markets in town, then to Viksjö for a look at the waterfall and perhaps some lunch, and then home via a pizzeria in Kramfors.  This final stage would involve a very small road through deepest forest that we had never driven on, though I'd cycled the first section.
It was on that final section that I realised we were driving alongside a big forest marsh, the ideal spot for cloudberries. We stopped the car and went exploring. Unfortunately we were a couple of weeks too late, and I expect others had got there before us, which is why there are no pictures of cloudberries!  It was however, delicious to walk across this marsh. The hot dry weather meant it was just a soft bouncy mat of vegetation, super comfortable to walk across without getting wet feet.
According to Wikipedia, cloudberry, the English name for Rubus chamaemorus, comes from old Lancashire dialect and it is first mentioned in relation to growing on the top of Pendle Hill. I shall look more carefully when I'm next in Lancashire.
The narrow road was in remarkably good condition and passed by, or near to, several fishing lakes. Our visitors were interested so maybe they'll be back again next year with their rods!
We ate our pizzas sitting in warm sun but by the time we were home, 30 minutes later, the sky had turned grey, the wind blew, and we thought the predicted rain was on its way. It held off another couple of hours but then poured from the sky for the next 18 hours; but that's tomorrow's blip!!
(But since this is a backblip you can see tomorrow's blip now!)

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