
Finally got out for a walk this evening; first time in five days!  The weather's just been so crap and I've not been feeling my best - but I was feeling a bit better today, and the rain stopped for a while this evening, so I made the most of it.  Only to the pond and back, but it was nice.

Had a useful Sunday - I did more cleaning in the bathroom (scrubbed the shower top to bottom - always a longer job than you'd think), and changed the bed.  Tim tidied the hall and hoovered (having also dusted yesterday), and did his exercises (he's also feeling better, which is good news).  We both managed to fit in some PS4 playing, too.

Sad news from my brother today that my nephew has split up with his girlfriend of several years.  Sounds like it was right for both of them, but still sad as she's lovely and had really become part of their family.  Life moves on....

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