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By pplnani

A very sad day

I have had some really really bad news about my pussy cat Eddie's health, I'm too upset to go into any details at the moment. Apologies in advance as I may be very quiet for the next few days until I can come to terms with it a bit more.

UPDATE - We just took Eddie to the vet's for his routine injections and during the check up the vet found an infected gum that we we not aware of, she wanted to give an anti inflammatory that required a blood test first. The results of the blood test showed very high liver enzymes so the vet wanted to do an ultra sound scan, this showed an anomaly (growth) in Eddie's liver in a place that was very difficult to reach with an op. At the moment he doesn't really seem unwell, so you can imagine the shock of going from thinking he is ok (just having a check up) to " Sorry but there's nothing more we can do ". At the moment we don't know if the growth is benign or cancerous and have decided not to put him through the trauma of a biopsy because it wouldn't help to know. We have just been told what to look out for and give him some liver support tablets and antibiotics. It was such a shock and now everytime I look at him I want to cry because he looks ok at the moment. I know it is all part of having a pet and I have been through similar experiences quite a few times but it just seems to get harder each time. I am writing this more for myself (to get it off my chest) so I hope you don't find any of it too upsetting.

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