Return to nature

Slept well again.....felt much better this morning and its not raining!

Up at a reasonable time, showered hair washed and dried, several outfits tried on before I decided what I wanted to wear lol!
Decided on a skirt & top, a change from jeans.
Im determined to wear more of my nice,clothes rather than leave them collecting dust!

Had a brief catch up with daughter...we are meeting up Wednesday. Had a brief chat with middle son about changing his car and have had a message exchange,with youngest too!

Didn't have any plans as such for today, so after breakfast I did a bit of clearing up, before deciding to pop to Next to get another pillowcase! Long story short, I bought pale grey oxford pillowcases to match one of the new bedding sets, except when I opened the packet, it only contains one pillowcase. My mistake, I just assumed it would be a pair!
Got there, only to be told their bedding section was closed for stocktake!! Helpful lady said she could check on their system if its in stock, then would go and retrieve it for me......yay I thought! Sorry she said, its out of stock, but you can order it on line. Would you like me to do that for you she says, yes please.... I am collecting it tomorrow afternoon, from a store near sis's, sorted!

Had a mooch for a good while, resisted buying anything though, well other than a coffee and sandwich for my lunch. Had another wander after lunch before going back home.

The weather has been pretty good today other than an odd shower. I made a chicken & vegetable chowmein with some fried rice for dinner......enjoyed it too.

This evening I met up with some members of our camera club at Pennington Flash, which is not far from where I live. There is an outdoor photography exhibition entitled 'Return To Nature.' It is by photographers and residents from across the Wigan borough as part of the Wigan Arts Festival.

Todays blip shows some of the photographs displayed with one or two of our camera club members lurking lol. We are meeting up outdoors each week during August. The room we use is on the small side and our members are mainly of a certain age, so whilst we can delay meeting indoors we shall.

Tonight is the first time Ive seen most of the members since hub passed, they were all kind and considerate.

Ive watched Long Lost Family this evening whilst editing my photos.......I must get a new ipad sorted out, its driving me mad lol!!

Take care all,

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