
By maureen6002

Bee on Sea Holly

My final back-blip - from last weekend at least.

It’s the long drive back from London. We’re expecting a grim journey, battling through heavy rain and spray, but the threatening clouds deliver nothing but a few damp spots, and even these do not arrive until we reach Chester. 

It’s been a wonderful few days, and I’m so glad we made the journey. At times I must admit it’s been a struggle, but considering everything, it’s amazing what we’ve done - albeit at a slower pace than usual. We’ve had a glorious culture-feast and enjoyed great company and food, and though our masks have been our constant companions, I feel we’ve had a real taste of ‘normality’. 

And today’s blip? A bee on sea holly - one of my favourite plants. However exciting the trip, it’s  good to be home. 

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