What a long day!
Today I did the garden that I usually do on a Wednesday afternoon. Last week they’d asked if I could do an extra shift, so I was there all day. I did leave to go and get lunch, but went back afterwards.
It was a busy day! Weeding, cutting back, strimming (never done that before), hedge cutting, mowing and shifting some piles of earth.
I’d done the weeding and cutting back, so was going to start on the shifting earth, but first there were some stones that needed moving, so that area could be grass seeded. I’d moved quite a few stones. I’d spotted some in the grass, so went to get them, but saw a wasps nest. It was in the ground, so I wasn’t sure they were wasps first of all, but they were. I told them and they got someone to come and sort it.
As I couldn’t do that job, I moved on to the strimming. It was a battery powered strimmer. I’d never used any kind of strimmer before, so they’d showed me how to use it. There were bits flying everywhere, wearing shorts wasn’t a good idea! My legs were getting hit. I’d done quite a lot and them remembered that my waterproof trousers were in my car, so went and got them to put on. Worked a treat!
Just as I’d finished strimming, I ran out of cord. I did some mowing in that area instead and around the veg beds. Then I ran out of petrol. I topped it up and finished that area. I decided to go for lunch then.
I had some lunch and then went back. I did some hedge cutting first. It was also battery powered. I’ve only used one once before. I’ve used an electric one once in the past too. I finished the hedge and cleared up my mess.
Now for mowing. I did the main area that they wanted me to do. I did ask if they wanted me to do more because I still had an hour left. They stayed to do something else because I thought I was probably sick of mowing haha
For the last hour, I cleared the piles of earth. I got 5 barrows worth. I finished and still had 10 minutes, so I cut back the lady’s mantle.
Finally time to go home. I had an ice cream and watched something I’d recorded. When that had finished, I had a shower and then put my pjs on.
Another chilled evening and probably an early night.
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