Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Who are you looking at?

Cat in self imposed bag quarantine. He didn’t stay there long, I suspect it was too warm (we have finally had something vaguely redolent of a summer’s day). 

I did full on stuff around the house, debunking cupboards and putting the legs on new dining benches. Had a delivery of vegan cheese. A man came to look at the hole in the ceiling. "How did that happen then?". Well says I, Thor was fighting Thanos and they fell through a hole in the time space continuum … does it matter? You’re here to fix the hole not investigate howdunnit. 

Duty done I retired to the bookshop for coffee and … a book. One of the great pleasures of a semi retired lifestyle. Reading in the middle of the day without a care in the world. Apart from Covid, global warming, our terrible government, and getting old of course. But I try not to think of those things when I put my feet up; there’s a difference between awareness and constant anxiety. 

Good day.

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