The day we moved beyond Level 0.

Today saw a further relaxation of the Coronavirus Regulations first introduced in late March 2020 - 500 days or so ago! It was also a day of many torrential slow moving showers. I stayed indoors and did a bit of life admin and some post holiday research. I received a reply from The Scottish Marine Stranding Scheme at University of Glasgow about the cetacean that features as an extra photo on 31 July. They confirmed they know about this animal, it’s a baleen whale, likely to be a minke, and that it was first reported to them on the 20th of June. I spent some of the afternoon researching their work on their website and Facebook - it included an interesting autopsy of a Harbour Porpoise in their laboratory caravan (in the photo); whales etc are done in situ on the beach. I also reflected on the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust, who record sightings etc. Both sites worth a look.

The move “beyond Level 0” entails the lifting of most of the remaining legally imposed restrictions. However the legal requirement for Face Coverings will continue for some time in similar situations to now; and rigorous hand (etc) hygiene and ventilation is advised. All premises and venues can now open. The changes remove limits on the size and nature of gatherings etc in general, (some larger gatherings require authorisation). Physical distancing is no longer a requirement but recommended. Test & Protect will continue to contact-trace positive cases. And there will be an ongoing requirement for indoor hospitality and similar venues to collect the contact details of customers, (Public Heath will continue to investigate; there could be local actions taken). There will be changes soon to the isolation protocols for double vaccinated etc folks. The Scottish Government continue to advise home working where possible; any return preferably being slow and gradual. The successful vaccination programme (3,300,000 double vaccinated) will be extended and offered to 16 -18 year olds. Changes in Schools are envisaged once the term is underway.

A strong note of caution from the First Minister: “while this move will restore a substantial degree of normality, it is important to be clear that it does not signal the end of the pandemic or a return to life exactly as we knew it before Covid struck. Declaring freedom from, or victory over, this virus is in my view premature.”

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