
Some time ago, my friend's hamster died and she wondered what to do with the body. She doesn't have a garden and did not want to flush Hammy down the toilet, so she hit upon the idea of a trying out a recipe she had read, where you put the hamster's body in a saucepan, then cover it with a two pints of water and one kilogram of preserving sugar. Then you heat it until it comes to the boil, and keep boiling for 5 minutes. The mixture should reduce a lot, then it is allowed to cool and poured into a large jar.

Unfortunately, when she tried a little of this on bread it tasted horrible, so she ended up emptying the jar into the window box outside the kitchen window. Imagine her surprise when a few weeks later, the window box was full of the most beautiful tulips! She was mystified since she'd never planted any bulbs in it. Her Husband finally explained what had happened:

"Honey, you should know that you get the best Tulips from Old Hamster jam!"


EDIT: I probably should have mentioned that this is a joke and not true. No hamsters were hurt in the making of this blip. Terrible joke, I know. But one of my favourites and it seemed fitting today!!!

A link for anyone who doesn't get it. I am obviously old enough to know this song well!!!!

A year ago: Sheep and lamb in the shelter of the owl tree. Sadly, no owls have been spotted there so far this year, only some jackdaws. A dead barn owl has been found in an outhouse though. Sad :((

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