catch up

last day off , back at the fun factory ill be busy gnawing through the straps in the morning ready..willing,, so very close to starting my working week,, work, bless em have felt my pain and have chosen leniency by giving me a five and three quarter hour run.. ha,, can ya believe that stop is a lottery win cos work aint gonner get easier than that ,, friday i have got my CPC course up in london,, 3 hours of cycling round.. ummm cycling,,,???? team fat and breathless ride again..then god willing if we survive the push bikes.. another band on friday nite and then the brilliant christians on saturday in perpetual motion goes on.. ive had three days off and whist i needed a break, have felt like a flea with no dog to annoy...although saying that annoyed the girls school breakfast club this the token male whipping post,, always have always will be.

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