Fresh Tomatoes
We have a few tomato plants in the garden - but we are not 100% sure of the varieties - as they were purchased from a nursery a while ago, with no labels! I seem to remember that one of the varieties listed on their wall was Marmande - and I think that this one looks as though it may be one of those. Still very green but lets hope things improve!
I have added an extra of a more traditional ‘cherry’ type which has started to ripen.
Anyway, the addition of some overnight rain has added a little ‘freshness’ to the shots.
Just a couple of quick garden shots today…
Not really got much done so far - I have vacuumed and wiped down the inside of my car - removing all the bits that fell off the garage rubbish that has been in there for a few days - which we finally got rid off at the tip yesterday afternoon. No plans for the rest of the day…. maybe a nap
My energy levels are still very low - but I do detect a very slight improvement - I just wish I could get more sleep as I think that would help. Sadly, after taking a sleep test last week it would appear that it is going to be at least 16 weeks before I even get an appointment to see a respiratory consultant - and probably longer before I get any diagnosis / treatment - all of the cardio-respiratory specialists have been diverted to deal with the fallout from COVID and so they are not seeing ‘regular’ respiratory patients at the moment.
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