
By eyesoftlens

Fickle Mistress'

" Friends are like wine gets better with age. 
May you have the hindsight to know where you have been, The foresight to know where you are going, The insight to know when you have gone too far"
A lovely evening with friends. We formed our wine club 4 years ago, coming up at the beginning of November this year. We called ourselves Fickle Mistresses. The name originated when we first started our Wine Club it was the first wine we tasted, a Fickle Mistresses bottle of wine. Now we have become Fickle Mistresses and also known to be called Pickled Tarts (according to one of our husbands). It has been a wonderful journey sharing the second Thursday of each month meeting at each member's house. The rostered member get to choose our wine selections for the evening. Also organise food according to the wine 
she has selected. There are 9 members in the club and we all live in Timaru and the surrounding towns . Our club runs from Feb through to November, during one month of the year we all get to take a trip out of town to visit wineries and have time away from home. During these trip we have had the best times visiting different places and sampling different wines. At the end of each year we celebrate the year by going out for dinner. I believe each and everyone of us look forward to the next meeting. Last night was one of those times when everyone just sit back, kick their shoes, relax and have a marvelous time. We had six different type of wine ranging from bubbles to white and red wine served with cheese and crackers and for the main we had Indian takeaway along with home made sweets for dessert. An awesome evening had by all. One of the ladies husband picked us up and dropped everyone each to their homes. Till next month

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