Burnt Lane

A simple pop to the shops snapping a few pics; collect prescription; chat with a friend I bumped into and back home. 
I don’t ever check all my items are in the bag from the pharmacy but for some reason I did today. Good thing I did because the statins were missing. I phoned to ask about it and they don’t have a prescription for any statin this month. When they looked further they noticed that the statins are the only item on one sheet (I think there are 3 or 4 sheets in all) so she thought it possible they had “mislaid” it. No worries she will contact surgery for a copy. Maybe not a very interesting day when this is the big excitement?
I’ve been playing with/experimenting with Lightroom and PhotoShop. I’ve never used Lightroom except for automated things like channel swapping on all photographs from IR camera but I now find it excellent except that so far I haven’t found any substitute for curves in PS. But what they both highlight is that although I get some lovely photographs from my iPhone it doesn’t have the depth you get from a RAW image on a “real” camera.

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