All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

... Ahhh wrong month ... still it might be the middle of March but it looks more like it should be Christmas at the moment!

Busy day today.

Ethan's first Level 1 swimming lesson today where he goes in the pool without me. And he was fab! So confident and enthusiastic. You can't see the whole training pool from where the parents have to sit in the cafe and when he vanished out of sight with his armbands on at one point, I was gobsmacked when he reappeared a few minutes later with them off and swimming brilliantly with a noodle! He normally hates noodles and won't use them but his instructor told me afterwards that he had asked her if he could use one!

After his lesson, we walked over to The Centre where on the spur of the moment I took him into a hairdresser on the off chance they had a spare appointment to do his hair. They did so he now looks a bit smarter as his hair had got a bit wild and long. He was a bit confused as to why we weren't at our usual hairdressers in Edinburgh though and kept asking "why isn't Mandy cutting my hair"?

Then we shared a hot chocolate and scone in the Thorntons cafe. Got his feet measured in Clarks but they haven't grown since they were last measured many months ago!

He was shattered by now (that's what getting up at 6.20am does to you) so after stopping off at his gymnastics club to pick up tickets for the show at the weekend, I went for a wee drive and he was asleep within minutes. I love the fact that although Livingston is so built up, you only have to drive for a few minutes and it's so desolate in the countryside that it really is like you're in the middle of nowhere. So pretty with all the snow covered trees too.

Nursery for Ethan in the afternoon, the weekly shop for me, dinner, bath and bed.

Another day over!

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