Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

A Cheery Smile.

I spotted this really cheery garden windmill in the garden centre in Harden and I really don't think you can help but smile at it!

Blip is an incredibly unique and special community which allows you to enter into the day to day happenings of different people's lives. When you've been blipping for as long as I have you come to really feel as though you know certain folk, even if you've never met in person!

I was really shocked to hear fellow blipper Corinthian's extremely sad, sad news yesterday and I couldn't help but think of her today knowing I was walking around her local area...especially as an avid member (and perhaps even a leader and certainly a route innovator!) of the Bus Pass Walkers.

I hope she can feel the love and support of the blip community alongside that of family and friends.

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