Orange tint

The sun has been orange all day from the increased smoke that's come our way from the wildfires. This tree that the woodpeckers enjoy is a few feet into the forest from our community mailbox and I look at it every time we stop for the mail. The sun shining through the trees on the opposite side of the road created weird orange dappled patterns on it today. The little face in the thumbnail looks shocked at the conditions. Another example of the effects of the smoky sun is here.
A busy day. We had a leak in a tire on the car, so we had to drop it off this morning to be fixed. We went for breakfast, shopped and did a couple of other chores, and it hadn't been fixed by the time we'd finished. Came home and got a call about 3 hours later to pick it up. Thank goodness there's still a place on the island to get work like this done. The place we went to for years has shut down because the owner retired. 
It's too damn hot!  We're supposed to get a break from the heat on Monday. Finger's crossed.

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