Finally . . . !

. . . a bit of snow! Not very much, but enough to say we had actually seen some lying this winter! We had to go into town and on the way there was quite a bit on the road sides.

We took Ollie to the vet for his annual vaccination booster and health check. He was pronounced fit and well and very good for a dog of 7 years of age!

Went to the garden centre for a cup of coffee and managed to force down a huge chocolate and orange scone between us - very tasty and ever so light and crumbly. Bought one or two plants too . . .

Just about finished installing the new toilet this evening only to find that an important part inside the cistern was broken. A tiny but crucial bit of plastic. So absolutely infuriating. This means another 30+ mile journey, another half day wasted, they will have to order it from south, we will have to wait another week or so for a replacement etc etc. Not un-typical unfortunately. Goods often get damaged in transit up here and you have no idea until you remove all the shrink wrapping and packaging and are ready to use them . . . A rotten end to an otherwise good and productive day. Rats, to put it very mildly . . .

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