Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Bit of a boring day, other than me having one of the biggest spiders I’ve ever seen touch my foot while I was drying my hair. Matt had to apologise to the customer he had on the phone for the subsequent screaming.

We never found it so it’s still in the bedroom somewhere. I decamped to the sofa for the day but not looking forward to bedtime!

The other night at the pub, Four Pint Matt and Four Pint Bill decided to book us a table there for dinner. We went this evening, and to Sober Matt and Sober Bill’s surprise it was actually super fancy and much more expensive than they realised. We embraced it anyway and had some bloody delicious food. This is my lemon tart, drizzled in lemon-infused honey. Absolutely incredible. Bill and Maddy are on the brink of owning a puppy, so we decided the evening was justified by celebrating that.

Home to sleep with the spider.

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