Not on the level…

Hi Everyone,

I was in the workshop just after 8:30 this morning… no sawdust to burn as I have cleared the backlog and with the guys on holiday for another week my pyromaniac duties are on hold.

On the YouTube thingy I have been trying to create a video slideshow of photos every 3 months. I was hoping to make the next one about measurement. I have 49 photos so far but need to take 10 – 15 more. Tomorrow I will take the camera to the workshop and see if I can magic up a few more. The video is not due until the end of September, so I have a little bit if time to find the remaining photos.

I have been doing lots of thinking recently which is never a good thing… not got to the supermarket yet, WOW I am hungry (not really just joking).

Nothing else to report. 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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