
By caninegalore

Monarch’s Way, sunflowers and holy wells

Today we have had a most adventurous day. B and I started off by having a scone at snitterfield farm shop. Then we set off for a walk along the Monarch’s Way. We went past some sunflowers (see extras) and orchards and headed towards the Welcombe hills obelisk. This included going through two golf courses! We did a minor detour from the Monarch’s Way to walk right up to the obelisk and then we decided to look for Margaret’s well. I have tried looking for this twice before with no luck.

Third time lucky! In the write up about it it says there is nothing much to see apart from a fenced off area overgrown with stinging nettles. It was so much more than that. If you go within the fence (there is a little gate) then you find the brick archway and even water there. Although on further reading it actually doesn’t say it is a holy well but it says one of Shakespeare’s plays, Ophelia, is based on the story of this well. We were so happy to find it. We then returned to the farm shop and had lunch there.

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