Saturday Fun
I had a nice lie in this morning. My parents had taken Albie home, so I was home alone (apart from the duckies). I decided to use my Charcoal and Brown Sugar face mask this morning. Hadn’t done one for awhile, so thought I might as well.
When I’d had a shower and got dressed and everything, I headed out to get a birthday present for my friend. She turned 30 a few weeks ago and her party is this weekend. I garden for her parents, so I’ve spent weeks getting the garden ready for the party.
Originally, I wasn’t invited because she was conscious about numbers, but I got my invite the other day. Her Mum felt bad because I’d helped so much, so she asked if I could come, bless her.
Anyways, I got her a present and then went to Lidl’s to get something for lunch. I saw another friends Mum outside, so I was talking to her for quite awhile. I’ve known that friend since we were 2 years old :)
I had lunch when I got home and watched some tv. I then popped out to get some alcohol free beer to take with me because I was driving. I went home again and just watched more tv before I needed to get ready and go.
When I got to the party, I arrived just as the cakes were being cut (perfect timing)! I only knew my friend, her boyfriend, her parents and her sister and her sister’s husband. That’s ok though, I met new people and got to know them a little bit.
There was a bbq and my friend’s sister had hired a local band to play. They were really good and played for 3 hours! My friend’s Mum made me dance haha I’m not very good at dancing and when you’re not drinking (like me), it feels a bit awkward. When you’re drunk, you couldn’t care less what kind of dancing skills you have (or don’t have)
It was a great night! So lovely to just get out for the evening and actually listen to a live band too, that was really good!
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