
By Veronica


Yesterday's exciting little adventure is backblipped.

Today: less exciting. It was a bit cooler thanks to a breeze. My swim would have been truly delightful if Laurent the paddle steamer hadn't arrived to turn the pool into a tropical storm with his very splashy crawl. It was still quite nice; the water was not cool, but still refreshing compared to the air.

In the afternoon I baked a nectarine upside-down cake; not the ideal activity on a hot day, but needs must. It wasn't very photogenic (stuck to the pan), so ... While I was out swimming, P had dropped off a book for me to read; she hadn't warned me that it's a bit of a doorstop (1010 pages). I couldn't cope with that in the original Spanish but may manage in French! She lent it to me because we'd been talking about flamenco, and this is set among the gipsies in Seville in 1748, at the dawn of flamenco.

Off on a (delayed) proper adventure tomorrow.

Oh -- there's an extra of the small treat the waiter gave us yesterday to stop us complaining about the long wait; I liked the colours.

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