Dawn Breaks
A cool 3C as dawn broke across a waking town, calm on the land but windy upstairs, sheep quietly grazing while a warm glow spread across the horizon. Unfortunately I didn't have time to linger this morning. As I was leaving the strong cloud formation was breaking up, it was not long before the sky was a sea of red and orange, I was disappointed. However, these clouds passed by, a gentle breeze picked up with a little nip in the air and the sun shone brightly against a vibrant blue sky, it was 21C - a lovely autumn day.
Busy day with Mum, a little mall shopping and groceries - my day off the gym and walking, lunch consisted of two smoked salmon, cucumber and lettuce pinwheels and I did succumb to a slice of oaty apple and blueberry slice - the first sweet thing I've had since starting my healthy eating and exercise program on Monday, oops that wasn't that long ago but it was rather nice.
Your all so kind with your lovely words, favs and hearts for yesterdays busy bumble bee. I'm sorry I've been unable to comment of late, last night I spent ages sorting out my meal plan for next week, wanting to be organised seen as it was grocery day today and I don't like going to the supermarket too often, I spend too much extra money! Hope to be back with you soon :)
Tonight we're having Teriyaki Grilled Salmon with stir-fry vegetables, rice for hubby but not for me - had my starch at breakfast and lunch. Time to go and get organised, hope your've all had a super day :)
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