River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: First Cucumber

Cloudy and some blue sky, 2 lots of washing dried outdoors.
After mentioning house martins yesterday there were about a dozen flying over our house this morning, might be youngsters.
Today's gardening job was tidying the tomato plants in the greenhouse, 7 good strong plants with an assortment of fruit types and shapes. Stopped the tops, cut off the leaves up to first fruit truss, mulched them with grass clippings and gave them a good watering - all we need now is warmth and sunshine, only 16°C today.
It’s a wonder I have any cucumbers really, plants have been totally neglected BUT today I picked this one and it’s delicious :-)
MrD on handyman job and deliveries today.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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