Back to the vet…..:-(

Whatever was wrong with Malin has not cleared up after all.

He woke me at 4am needing out. Discovered he had already had a horse sized No 2 in the hallway, which is so definitely unlike him.

Still diarrhoea and blood and although it’s likely something easily treatable I’m feeling quite scared.

Five efforts to ‘go’ at 4, 6, 7.30, 8.15 and 10 am. Each accompanied by a thorough wash and dry.

He is such a gentle, good boy. His eyes say sorry but he’s done nothing wrong. He never does :-( <3

Stool sample to be obtained (lovely!) to allow tests to be progressed.

The sample jar cost £0.65. Shame the consultation, meds and faecal analysis don’t (!) but insurance company were very helpful - wonder if they’ll be quite as helpful in paying…….

Needless to say, sleepless night No 2 (pardon the pun) coming up.

Malin sends love and says not to worry angel, and goodnight to everybody,

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