
By dfb24

Low Key...

Today was Mae's first day of 5 y.o. kindergarten, and she was so happy to see her friends in person instead of on the computer. She said she had a great day. Jennie took the girls to the park after they got home, so I went to join them. I hadn't taken any photos yet so I asked Mae if she'd stand in the partially enclosed shelter & turn her head away from the sun, & I took several shots, not being sure what would turn out. I'm still not sure if it's "right", as I know little about low key shots. But when I saw this on the computer I was happy that I had catchlights in her eyes.....wish I could say I planned it that way but I didn't. 
I took Tom for his labs this morning so there were some minor pill adjustments made by the doctor, and spent some time after that moving things away from the garage (i.e. garbage & recycling containers, the ladder, etc.) because the painter is coming on Wed. to power wash it, and then hopefully soon after that it will get painted. I'll be so glad, as that's the last major thing that needs to be done in upkeep.......at least, for awhile.  Thanks to Carolina for hosting MonoMondays this month.  :)

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