
The piles of photocopies, printouts, envelopes, laminates, photographs and assorted creative/artistic paraphernalia were getting out of hand in my kitchen. So, while the rest of my house went out to a retail park to buy a bunch of household stuff for the girl about to start university (hurrah!), and school uniform stuff for the other girl going back to school on Wednesday (boo!) I stopped in for the afternoon and sorted it all out. Some of it may have got stuffed willy-nilly into The Cupboard Of My Stuff in the hall but at least it's not cluttering up the kitchen anymore.

The evening was spent watching cycling - Vuelta highlights from Saturday, Sunday and today. Them extra shifts at work, plus the start of the Premier League with MOTD and going out to that gig on Saturday night had seriously messed up my viewing skedj over the weekend. Up to speed now but....phew.

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