Col de Sanetsch

This was taken at our high point today. 2253 mètres.

Had a real ebike adventure today. We cycled to St Maurice and took the train to Conthey. From there we cycled up to the Col de Sanetsch. The scenery was stunning….first vineyards, then a gorge, high mountain pastures and then the Tsanfleron Glacier. The road up was incredibly steep and we had to stop at a cafe part way up to recharge the bikes. After the Col we dropped down to the lake and then took the cable car down to Gsteig. Another recharge was need here as P had been running on empty. Luckily there was a cafe so we stopped for soup and quiche. We then cycled over the Col du Pillon and had to do a final quick charge in Les Diablerets before heading over the Col de La Croix, where P ran out of battery for the last 200 mètres before the high point! We probably should have let the bikes fully charge in Gsteig but we’re keen to get going again. It was a full day out and the most we have ever done on ebikes. 81 km, 2791 mètres of ascent and 2125 mètres of descent. A fantastic day and it was great to do a circular route.

The extras show some of the amazing scenery. The sign shows the name of the river written in French and Romansh, which is the fourth Swiss language. I can’t remember seeing signs written in this language before as it’s only spoken in a small area of Switzerland.

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