
By yogajill

Home grown

I was a day late writing my last blip . Managed to get this one posted on the right day !
This should have been in yesterday’s blip ….
My son broke and dislocated his little toe.
After a trip to A&E his toe is facing in the right direction and is strapped up. I hope it will heal quickly.

This morning I did some housework. As I cleaned I decided to restart my Tuesday evening face to face yoga class as the Monday class is oversubscribed. After a phone call and emails it’s all sorted . I can also live stream the class on Zoom. :-)

After I shared the intermediate yoga class on Zoom , I spoke to my Mum . Her pill tray was not delivered today. She had forgotten to wait in for it and had gone out into garden for a wee while in the afternoon. The chemist might have tried to deliver them then ? Hoping I can get them for her in the morning, as she has none left .
Some good news .. We have peppers ripening on the sunny windowsill. This is the first red pepper we’ve ever grown ! Looking forward to eating it very soon !

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