Little Princess......

...... eating an ice-block, whilst snuggled under a duvet.  (I didn't take this blip, my husband did with his phone.  But I liked it, so I've used it!).

Craft today, where we made a fairy house out of clay.  We now have to wait 5 days before we can paint it.

But Mia was more excited as I promised to buy her, her very own pair of (toy) high heels.

She kept wanting to wear a pair of mine, that no longer have a leather  heel.  The thing is they have screws sticking out the heels, so they catch in the carpet or scratch the tiles.

Anyway, she was delighted to get not only one pair but two pairs in the packet.  One blue, one pink, and another crown.

I couldn't get a pair for Isabella as they wouldn't fit her.  But she didn't mind.

Other things today.  We've done a bit of writing.  Been to the park.  And made muesli bars.

Mia was in charge of putting the ingredients in the bowl.  

Sultanas -' one for you one for me.'

Apricots - 'these are nice, can I have some more?'

Later on I found her, crown on her head, playing with some old dinky toys of mine.  She'd spread a load of beads on the floor (she had asked me first), and the cars had to make their way through them.

Not sure if the police car or the taxi won!

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