So much gardening!
I did 7 hours of gardening today! That’s the most I’ve done since March last year!! I know I did 6 last week, but this topped it, although, what I was doing wasn’t as hard as last week.
First garden we walked the dogs and then cut brambles and stuff out of the hedge. We did have coffee in between, so it wasn’t too bad.
I had to rush off afterwards and grab something to eat before I went to the next garden. I had tried to rearrange it, but they hadn’t replied to my messages, so went today anyway. At least it’s done with mow for this week.
Some mowing, a bit of watering and lots of weeding.
When I finally got home, Buster was happy to see me. He did his ear sniffing thing and lay across my lap for a bit. We all went to Colby for a walk.
Buster decided to jump into the pond. He stank! He had to go in the stream too to get all of the mud off him. Probably should have given him a bath when we got home, but didn’t.
He went straight to the kitchen because he knew it was supper time for him. He gets so excited and does a funny dance. Bless him. You’d think he hadn’t had any food or treats at all before haha
Another nice chilled evening. Buster fell asleep. He must have been tired after Colby and the other walk he had today. I’m tired too. Luckily I’m not anywhere tomorrow, so can have a lie in :)
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