Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Dedicated Dad

Continuing my cowardly compilation of candid compositions of Copehageners.

Although, today, I did go and ask permission...albeit, after the fact. (I feel that's rather important if I point my camera at a child.) Despite what you might think from the photo, Torben very quickly explained to the caller, in a business-like tone, that he was occupied with his daughter and basically whoever it was would have to wait - I respected that. Merle was not so impressed, neither with the phone call or her dads attempts to get her on the sledge (....or my attempts to take a photo of same).

I also met a couple of English tourists in Frederiksberg Park, from Plymouth (my part of the world originally). Which was a little strange but very pleasant. A possible Blipper there... we shall see.

There was a pretty, crap, dog walker too.

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