just a Moment in the wood

By wavingarms

Springtime Teddy

It has just dawned on Teddy that he should be waking up from hibernation just now. How did I miss that one, thinks Teddy.

He was out with the little people as they ran in circles around the wild outdoors. He heard the word orienteering used, but to Teddy it was just hide and seek with compasses. The round things not the things that make round things.

They exhausted themselves wonderfully so were sleeping all afternoon. Teddy sees advantages in physical education. Or at least physical activity.

Teddy had a chance to contemplate the wonders of new life bursting out on this vernal equinox of a day. So now he his frozen to the bone and beginning to feel a trifle unwell. Should have stayed in bed.

Still. He can't hear that Barry White album out here. Teddy might play hid and forget with that one. That memory has started him shivering again, everybody.

Slightly queasy Teddy.

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