This is probably more a blip for the International Day of Contentment (which I plan to institute) rather than the International Day of Happiness. I am, yesterday's blip notwithstanding, generally a fairly happy person. 90% of the time I'm the glass-half-full type. An optimist. Occasionally my mood crashes. Sometimes for random reasons that I still at my exalted age don't quite understand, sometimes because someone is a total ass (his phrase, not mine, used in an apology this morning that has restored equilibrium to the B house).
When I think of times when I have been truly 'Happy', what I am really thinking of is times of contentment: when there are few terrifying truths to wake me at 4.30 am, stalking around my bed; when all is generally well with those around me; when I feel I am doing what I need to be doing and doing it well. I feel like that now, apart from the 4.30 am stalking things. I hoped today might knock one of the stalking things on the head, but that news may come tomorrow instead. But, those great dark skulking creatures aside, all is well. I have my garden to make, the house is a total state but one day will be rebuilt, the kids are happy at least 99% of the time, I have enough home-made marmalade lined up on the shelves to last until 2016, and an egret has come to live on the front lawn. All these big and small things bring a sense of contentment and I am mostly content that I have found what makes me happy and am able to live MY dream. However chaotic and random it may appear. I think I have, finally, learned what is important. To me.
That's happiness. Surely?
(The slippers and the wine help.)
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