Unkempt dandelion
Friday - my appointed, obligatory morning for walking the dog (I do walk her other mornings and most nights, but Friday's the day I must walk her). Anyway, I take my camera with me on Friday mornings but Ellie is an inquisitive, strong (very), 27kg "gun dog" that must be kept on the lead (as do all dogs where we walk) so... it can be hard at times to take blips. She's obedient but self willed and gets bored hanging around.
End of the week - apparently from Monday we will be required to wear a mask at all times (outside of the house, including walking the dog). I have worn my mask the last two Fridays anyway and today I thought "I have a feeling I will need to get used to wearing one of these" and it seems to be proving correct.
Great word unkempt - sort of my natural state, maybe that's why I like it.
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