Balerno to Morningside

We're almost at the end of our 'Bus Route Project' so today we jumped on a No. 44 bus and went to it's terminus at Balerno and walked all the way back to Morningside which was 8.28 miles. However, we had to walk 40 mins to get to a No. 44 bus stop and then when we did, our bus app told us the next bus wasn't due for 14 mins. Grrrrrrrrrr................... Ann had checked the bus timetable before we left and she told me that the No. 44 bus ran every 12 mins. Best laid plans and all that!! There were zillions of No. 44 buses going the other way but the No. 44 goes all the way to Wallyford in the other direction and that was even further away than Balerno. Anyway we walked for another 20 mins before a bus came so Ann reckons we walked for 3 miles before we even started our walk??!!

Our walk today was lovely. Most of it went along by the 'Waters of Leith' and the 'Union Canal' so I had lots of off lead, run about time. We've both enjoyed our 'Bus Route Walks'.

But just look what was spying on me today........................ a cat on a fence!  I'm pretty stupid. I didn't even notice the cat. Even when Ann tickled the cat behind his/her ears and said, 'You're a gorgeous little cat aren't you?',  (see extras) I didn't take any notice. 'MollyCollie' would NEVER have ignored a cat. She would have been jumping up at it and trying to chase it away. Cats don't bother me. Sometimes when we walk past them, they arch their back and hiss at me but I don't care. I just ignore them. As far as I am concerned, the only things worth chasing are squirrels and rabbits because they are super speedy and I have to run really fast.

I had to chase quite a few squirrels this morning but the naughty little rodents kept running up trees and I can't climb so I didn't manage to catch any of them. Booohooo.

We were out for 4 hours this morning and when we got home we both had to lie down for an hour or so because walking more than 10 miles had worn us both out.

I've just been round the block for my afternoon walk and now I'm back in bed.

…...............Ann wishes she was back in bed. Lol!!!

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