Smile while you can ...

... because life can often be an uphill struggle.

(and because all this happiness has quite exhausted me - with a wink and nod back at 'im indoors)

It has been a struggle today. When I have a camera in my hand events flow and wonderful moments seem to trigger off around me, as if the Universe is continuously offering me little gifts. When I'm in the office, though, nothing flows and it's as if the Universe keeps throwing up obstacles to frustrate me. It feels like this is all external circumstance but perhaps the explanation lies within?

Your images and journals for happyday were fascinating. Thanks so much for all those who contributed, often in quite surprising ways. It sure got us all thinking hard! And someone in particular had enormous fun with it!!

The weather forecast is for heavy snow tomorrow. I've been slogging into work and back on the bike this last three days, freezing my nuts off in the process. Despite the cold, though, I've really quite enjoyed it, even through the light snow yesterday. I'm wondering if I'll have the resolve to do battle with a blizzard tomorrow morning? I'm in the mood to take on the Universe!

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