Dull day

but we caught the bus to Blyth.
Just as we reached the seafront the Park runners were setting off along the Links and through the Panama Dip.
This used to be a beautiful place always neat and tidy.Full of flower beds.
Every year the holidaymakers came for Glasgow and Edinburgh fortnight.
Its deteriorated a lot since then.So sad.
They used to have talent shows and you can see where the stage was.
One little girl used to get up and sing there and became quite Famous;)
Marie Lawrie better known as Lulu.
Another local lad who played in a skiffle group there became a World famous guitarist John McLaughlin and of course there's Mark Knopfler whose Mam came from Blyth so is well known for that ❤
I can't play the guitar or sing but I can Shout quite a bit ! ;)

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