A tale of 3 pulleys...

The work on our sash windows continues (it's only taking so long as other things keep getting in the way of it!).

Anyway, we have 3 windows to renovate, and we're halfway through the middle one. As I was devoid of any other blip inspiration, I thought a pulley triptych could be in order.

On the left is an untouched one with about a century of paint layers on it and a rotting old sash cord (it's one of the few cords which were still intact - but totally useless as the windows were completely stuck up with paint and couldn't be opened).

In the centre is one which has been stripped of its paint, ready to be sanded down and painted.

On the right is the finished one, repainted and restrung with new cord - and it opens beautifully. (Note: OK it's not perfect - but this is an old house with "character"! And my obsessional nature didn't stretch to trying to paint the pulley itself, that would have been a step too far!)

I wonder if we'll get the job finished before winter sets in...?!  ;-))

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