morning at the zoo

Today we took advantage of the members only perk of entering the zoo an hour before it is open to the public. And by we, I mean me and  hubby. It is much easier to push a wheelchair when it is not crowded.

Bottom right: Our first stop was to see the new baby hippo, born a month ago. Mom weighs approximately  3, 500 pounds. Baby boy weighed approximately 80 pounds at birth and is already up to 140 pounds. He still has a lot of growing to do!

Bottom left: Right next to the hippos is Lemur Island so we had to stop and look for the new twin baby lemurs. Apparently mom carries one on her back and one on her chest. I could only see the one on her back.

Top left: Since the weather was cool and cloudy this morning the Grizzly Bears were active. Glad there was a piece of glass separating us.

Top right: As we were leaving the zoo we passed by the zebras, and I'm always trying to get an interesting shot of their stripes. Today they were standing side by side and swishing their tails. Full disclosure, I did shoot in color but like it better as mono.

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