French fries ....
Not knowing that the F/F's portions were so large we ordered 2 portions to share between 3 of us.OMG, what a surprise when they arrived on the table ! Still, what's done is done. We had a lovely ride to the Priory ( again) and enjoyed a delicious lunch. After a look round the shop we meandered our way home.
C , is still far from well, but alas she needs to leave tomorrow.
It has been an enjoyable week, sad she needs to go home, maybe now she has a new job it won't be so long between visits.Altho' it will be a lot of studying for a few months.
I shall miss them both so much, however I will be glad to know they are safely back home.
Do hope you've all had a good day.
Thoughtful ..... about this weather , I'd love to see a bit of sun.
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