Wet, wet, wet!

It's been a while since Mr M and I have done a section of the Fife coastal path and so we decided that, come what may, we would do one today.
It was raining when we set off from Kirkcaldy. Not so much that I needed to put my cagoule on, but by the time we got to Longhorn the cagoule was definitely needed. Stopped for lunch at Burnt Island and by the time we were ready to set off again it was, as we say in Lancashire, coming down in stair rods. No point trying to continue and so caught the train back to Kirkcaldy. Absolutely soaking. Interesting drive home with lots of flooding.
Belated birthday celebration this evening with a lovely meal in Kinross.
Oh, forgot to mention, Longhorn were having a scarecrow festival. This is one of them.

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