Sunday's photograph (no painting today)

Had a strange dream. Cat woke me up by sitting upright like a black Egyptian cat on my upper rib cage. Very powerful those 4 paw pads.
2 teas and two coffees later as well as a meditation (a nap really), and wake up enough I take a photo of the ventilation grid on my boiler cupboard because it is still raining outside. And cat refuses to model for photos...

So the ventilation grid. I am trying everything in Snapseed to do something creative with it, and I am failing miserably. Then I try the double exposure tool, and I reduce the picture within, And I take the same picture again within the double exposure tool.

And create an abstract. This pic will do for today.

Time for more tea and coffee and dare I say it...another nap. Cat concurs.

Take care

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