Ending the day

With a sunset
Another beautiful sunset
Not much else to report here in the sandpit

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 102 new cases, 1 fatalities and 165 recoveries today

Covid-19 Alert Level Traffic Light System to be implemented in schools
Parents have been given the choice to send their children back to school or receive online education 
Attendance should not exceed 30 per cent in Orange and 50pc in Yellow of the total capacity while it can be 100pc in Green

Saudi - students aged 12 and above who have not been fully vaccinated will not be able to attend in-person classes and as such will be considered absent until they receive their second dose of the vaccine.

UK to begin offering Covid antibody testing to general public for first time

Sri Lanka announces 10-day lockdown as coronavirus cases surge
Recording its highest single-day death toll of 187 and 3,793 cases
Daily infections have more than doubled in a month to an average of 3,897,
It has reported a total of 372,079 infections since the start of the outbreak last year, with 6,604 deaths.

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