Mono Monday . . . Street Scene

During a lockdown there isn't much happening on the streets.  I walked up and down the main street and saw some bikers and some walkers.  People seem to make the most of their enforced time at by home getting out and doing some exercise.  With less traffic it is very good for children to cycle and scooter on the streets.  In normal times I don't expect dad and son would be cycling on the footpath.  Thank you Carolina for hosting. We offered to get anything our elderly neighbours wanted at the supermarket but they are confident going and like the outing.  Everyone I saw was wearing a mask.  I am getting used to my glasses fogging up when wearing mine.    
The weather is better than yesterday thank goodness so more weeds removed.  The extra is the pork brawn.  I had a small square and it tasted faintly like pork.  He had a whole sandwich of it and declared it needed more zing to it. 
The daily Covid 19 briefing from the Government has been delayed to four o'clock.   The news says a total of 107 cases, 33 new in Auckland and 2 more in Wellington.  Last Tuesday it was 1.  Our son who lives in Wellington has symptoms of a cold  and got a test yesterday.  He has to wait 48 hours for the result.
P.S I have just had a text from the son and his test was negative.  Only 28 hours and he had the result.   

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