The Miracle Pixies

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

You will be happy to hear I was much improved today. Really, all the aches and pains have gone. 

Mind you, I called into a team meeting today to find that all the men were sharing post-vaccine stories. Apparently day 3 is the REAL b*stard. 


However, that was not my most important online meeting of the day. That would have been my Watch Party Meeting with Shenée to watch the cinematic genius that is Deep Rising.

I may have mentioned this film once or twice

I told her a couple of weeks ago that we were not proper friends until she had seen it and loved it. 

If you are waiting in suspense, let me relieve you...

She LOVED it. 

Of course she did. She is a friend of mine. 

In fact we had a lovely moment today where we expressed our appreciation for each other. I have told you before how much difference Shenée has made to my life and I mean it. 

In fact, her benevolent influence continues. It's time for the headline:


It is not official yet, but it is coming. And I can already tell. Caro is just SO happy and silly and smiley and upbeat. Things between us haven't been so good and so happy for years. We're really enjoying each other's company. It is like the early 2000's between us again. 

(Which is fortunate, given that we are literally stuck with each other for the next 5 days).

I credit Shenée's influence on me for the domino-effect of  me being happy/Caro changing careers/Caro being happy. 

For this reason I have dubbed Shenée my "miracle pixie". 

But what I didn't realise how much impact I'd had on her as well. She claimed I was HER miracle pixie. 

It's lockdown, I tell ya. It has made us realise how much we appreciate each other. Already we are making plans for when it lifts again*. 

The bad news is that there doesn't seem to be much hope of that for a while. It is not officially stated yet, but the word from our mates in Auckland is that they are looking at a 4-week lockdown up there at least. What this means for the rest of the country, we do not know. 

The good news is that Shenée is LOVING Lockdown Watch Party Time. We will be doing this again tomorrow. 

Craig came in at the end of "Deep Rising" and just shook his head at the pair of us over the laptop camera. "I'm off to do some WORK," he said, meaningfully. Caro made much the same comment when I emerged from my bedroom/home cinema.

We know they love us really. You can't not love a miracle pixie.


* We are going to see the alpacas at an alpaca sanctuary!

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